Motto - classic love philosophy story

1. Don't to be a devil, sitting right beside himknowing you love each other, man, even when also can produce feelings, finally you can do? 2. No matter how mostly old friends and family, no matter how rush, don't take marriage, marriage is not play CARDS, reshuffle will pay a heavy price. 3 the emotional essentially no who to who wrong, he (she) wants to leave you, you always have what place cannot make him satisfied, return think in the past days, always beautiful. Of course, also have the feelings, they cheater is completely to defraud rhetoric and his bed, such other person or a few. 4 and a life habits have many differences in love, marriage, think carefully whether can 传奇私服 long endure each different. The other five are required to, ask yourself whether virgin, if you can, if not, what makes you so? 6 don't literally and others in the future, or to meet a true love, but he JieShenZiHao principles of man, you will regret doing that. 7. Don't give up his face to face, the pursuit is only temporary impression, decide depends mainly on both sides of the character. I met with the handsome boy with ugly, ugly too. 8. High divorce rate at least reflects different points: good quality is the idea of people have no longer for humanity, feudal ideas and imprisoned, bad thing is for marriage lightly. Rachel: what to get married? 9 can only read the woman is a dictionary, again good people will only in time of need to examine a beautiful woman, but only a vase, look for a long time that. Beauty is a woman dress the necessary conditions, not necessary. You also need to read more. So you will find that life is more beautiful. The rash married is wrong, don't jump to divorce. Try again, really not from is not late. 11. Often heard respondents feminine, you know what masculinity is a feminine 手套店 flavour, what is a taste? Masculinity is feeling brave, feminine flavour is tender and thoughtful. 12 what is charm? Charm is not pretty, pretty woman can not attract me, I like gentle women. So you don't have to worry about oneself are beautiful enough. 13. First, let a person forget that good. Why? Not because he (she) is very beautiful and very handsome, also can not because it is good, but because people early love heart, when pure selfishness, just know oneself to pour all love each other. And after all the love without such immaculate. Simplicity is the most precious things in. Our desire is for her. 14 of the first National People's Congress has not understand love, so the first failure. The little success. Marriage should find a single, because everybody likes original.
Par iqwsf le vendredi 13 août 2010


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