Mussolini hanging dead on the streets

April 28, 1945 in the evening, Milan gas station a square metal column, upside down two dead bodies covered with mud. The two men that Mussolini and his mistress Bei Taxi. They and other fascist leaders in Beirut on the lawn in front of Monty Villa executed by the guerrillas. Finally come to an end-powerful fascist Italy.     Mussolini, July 29, 1883 was born in Italy 普雷达皮奥, journalists done early. First World War, terrorist dictatorship of the fascist party first appeared in Italy, Mussolini's fascist party leader and is the initiator of fascism. In 1919, the bourgeoisie and the reactionary right wing organizations as the backbone of the armed soldiers "battle group" is a fascist party's predecessor in 1921 became a fascist party. "Fascist" comes from the Latin text of "beam rods," the term refers to the ancient Roman symbol of authority of the consul that rods. Later, the "fascist" has been dedicated as a synonym for dictatorship.   In 1922, Mussolini and the gang launched a "march of Rome," the coup, 传奇私服 forcing the king to form a government, which seized power. In 1928, he was forced to terminate parliamentary system of government, self-proclaimed "head of government." During his rule, internal announced that other political parties are illegal, so that Italy became a fascist "total state", the implementation of crazy military buildup, wantonly killing people. Foreign advocate chauvinism and racism, and pursuing a policy of aggressive war. 30 years, Germany and Japan have established a fascist dictatorship, the growing threat of fascism, Mussolini has launched an aggressive war against Ethiopia, Spain, armed intervention and occupation of Albania. In 1937, Jia Rude, Japan's "Anti-Comintern Pact" and become a member of the fascist Axis. Also involved in aggression 捷克斯洛克 Munich conspiracy. In 1940, he followed Germany and France, declared war on France. Mussolini is one of the major war criminals of the war.   Early summer 1943, the Allied landings in Sicily Island, counter-point of the war home to Italy. Domestic and international anti-fascist forces in the attack, Mussolini's dictatorship has been in precarious being. Allies in the Soviet-German battle, the victory in North Africa and Sicily, so that the dissolution of the fascist Axis foregone conclusion, deserted Mussolini, including his son, including a group of military officers and political leaders launched a coup to catch him under the stage, and put him under house arrest in Rome, 120 km northeast of the large Sasso peak inside the small restaurant. In order to prevent the German fascists come to the rescue and Italy built specially selected this highest peak in the Apennine Mountains of small restaurants, it is in the cliffs on three sides on the volley, only one cable is connected with the outside world.   Mussolini was arrested the next day, the Italian radio station to broadcast his "resignation" of the message. July 25, the message spread from Rome to Berlin, Hitler was greatly disturbed, immediately held a meeting, and finally decided to take all measures to rescue Mussolini, the occupation of Rome, and do everything possible to support the Italian fascist party has collapsed. If the government and its allies signed the armistice 巴多格里奥 treaty, it must be to develop further plans to seize the Italian Fleet, the fort occupied by the Italian National deterrence Italian troops in the Balkans 传奇sf and the Aegean Sea. Mussolini in Italy for the use of residual forces in the war to hang on until the end, Hitler decided to send a special forces went to the so-called "world's highest prison" where rescue him. Special Forces captain was born in Austria Scholze Nepal, specially summoned him before leaving Hitler and Mussolini requirements must be rescued. September 12, 12 gliders flew over large Sasso. Germany and Italy in the pro-military officers with the help of special teams successfully lifted the Italian armed defenders. Mussolini was aware he is free, and can not help but sigh: "I know my friends will not abandon me Hitler."   At 3 days after, that is, September 15, Hitler instructed Mussolini's Salo town in northern Italy formed a new government and the country name as the "Italian Social Republic", when the Italian Fascist leader Mexico Suo Lini is already living off others, and Hitler lost equal, you can bargain in the capital, becoming a puppet of Nazi Germany in Italy.   Mussolini got the upper hand again after the summer immediately punish those who drive him to step down. Early 1944, including his son Ciano arrested, including six "rebels" was tried, begging her daughter failed to rescue Ciano. Finally, the six rebels, unless the withdrawal of a person because the initial vote in favor of him to step down and survived, the other 5 people are all to be put to death.
Par iqwsf le jeudi 23 septembre 2010


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